Country Garden denies blogger’s claim of croc attacks in Forest City, files police report

JOHOR BARU, Walk 11 

Country Nursery Pacificview Sdn Bhd (CGPV) has denied a blogger’s case that there have been 20 to 30 crocodile attack setbacks in Woods City in Iskandar Puteri, achieving wounds and passings.

In a clarification today, CGPV said the report was freakish and pernicious and that it would provoke a negative wisdom locally, hurt the association’s standing and upset business errands.


Woodlands City has never gotten a protesting of an attack, injury or passing from the reptile in its eight years of movement. There is in like manner no police report of the event referred to in the online diversion post, the property creator said.

Forest City has never gotten a protesting of an attack, injury or passing by the reptile in its eight years of movement. There is also no police report of the episode referred to in the web-based diversion post, said the property creator.

In this manner, the association’s representative has recorded a police report at the Tanjung Kupang Police base camp. The association guarantees all power to take a legal action against those reliable, it said.

CGPV furthermore supported all electronic diversion clients, content producers and rockin’ rollers to check out at their wellsprings of information before posting anything on the stages, as a matter of fact.

Earlier, a 46-second video in Mandarin became well known web-based appearance a man, acknowledged to be an area, being inspected by a Chinese man concerning a caution sign examining “Hazard Crocodiles, No Swimming” in Forest City.